Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First and 23!!

This is my first post since I've been 23. My apologies once more for not blogging like i use to but my world has been a circus. Even at this very moment there's so much to be done. Anyways this weekend i went out to AZ for my sisters graduation and my b-day dinner(Sorry there's no pics i haven't received them yet). None the less i wanted to share what i wrote on my b-day on the plane ride to AZ!

Flying over the Pacific, Frequent thoughts of your face/and my mind begins to race and my thoughts began drifting/ memories of plastic toys for my birthday seem so far in the distance/What i wouldn't give to catch up and revisit/ what becomes of you when your stuck in a tunnel and the blur becomes your vision/ and in your mind your relive everything you ever witnessed/ and the good becomes the bad and the bad becomes the good/ so in return there are no specifics/ just painted painted images with complex depictions/ no focal point to choose/ just odd shapes and very deep hues.

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